1. Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church will depend upon the direction of the Holy Spirit instead of the flesh.
2. Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church ministries are not to be aimed at building the biggest crowd possible, but at building lives.
3. Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church membership will strive to become a church with a genuine knowledge of the Son of God.
4. Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church recognizes the priesthood of all believers. (1 Peter 2:9; Eph. 4:4-7) This is not a “One Man Show,” neither does it all happen in the forefront. We must all be willing to work behind the scenes. This is a “One Another” ministry.
5. Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church will build the church fellowship around Christ and not around individuals, groups or cliques.
6. Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church puts a strong emphasis on witnessing in every group, auxiliary and department of the church. We are to be his witnesses to all people. (Acts 1:8)
7. Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church with the help of the Holy Spirit, strive to build church unity on the basis of love.
8. Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church understands, as God’s stewards we are to include stewardship in its completeness. This includes our time, our talent and our treasure (money), all of which belong to God. Too long we have made false distinction between the spiritual and material in our churches. The bringing of tithes and offerings is just as spiritual as preaching, teaching and soul winning. When a person gives in support of God’s church, it is spiritual worship at its best.
9. Let us remember that we can do all things through Christ who strengthen us. (Phil. 4:13)